Stanislav Arnaudov
- Summary of my personal projects from over the years - [ A list of my personal projects that can be used as reference about what have I done in my career ]
- How DRY maybe hurting you - [ A meditation on the pitfals of code reuse ]
- DirectXer GPU Fame Walkthrough - [ An explanation of what happens during a GPU frame of a DirectXer application. ]
- Watching and reading list of greatness - [ Simple and basic description of who I am and what the hell I'm all about. ]
- More C Less ++ - [ A meditation on trying to graple the C++ madness ]
- Software development philosophy - [ A statement on how I like to do software developement ]
- Generic Execution Around Pointer - [ A set of generic classes for constructing the execution-around-pointer idiom ]
- Multidimensional Array size deduction in C++ - [ A workaround for deducing the dimensions of multidimensional array in C++. ]
- Train-Validation-Test split in PyTorch - [ A short utility class for loading data into pytorch project ]
- ABV Emails Retrieval - [ A short walkthrough of how I downloaded all of my emails from an obscure email provider. ]
- Compile time pipeline in C++ - [ A simple but powerful idiom in C++ for pipelining functions ]
- The optimal CMake project structure. - [ Description of the project structure I intend to use in the future for my c++ projects. ]
- C++ things to think about while programming - [ Several tips that I've explained to myself after I read Effective Modern C++ ]
- Notes on learning Numpy - [ My notes on numpy when I started looking into the library ]
- Notes on learning Pandas - [ My notes on pandas when I started looking into the library ]
- C++ Template Specialization - [ On template specialization of a member function in C++. ]
- Emacs windows resizing - [ A short walkthrough of a Emacs package for windows resizing that I recently wrote. ]
- Github commits' emails change - [ A short description of a solution to a Github related problem with the email addresses associated with a commit history ]