Stanislav Arnaudov

Multidimensional Array size deduction in C++

· [Stanislav Arnaudov] · 4 minute read · 972 words


Recently I encountered a small particularity of the C++ standard that I’ve known about previously but didn’t really care about up this point. The whole thing has to do with template type parameters. It turns out that C++ can’t deduce the type of a braced initializer. This has some funny consequences when you are designing a function that can take “everything” including arrays and you want to be able to call the function as function({1,3,4,5}). The desired outcome is that {1,3,4,5} is deduced to a one-dimensional array but at the same time {{1,3,4,5}} is two-dim array, {{{1,3,4,5}}} is a three-dim array and so forth. Turns out, this is a bit tricky.


The exact details of my situation are not important. The gist of it is as follows.

We have a templated function value that can take “everything” and “pipes” it’s inputs to other helper functions. The value function is simply defined as:

template<typename... Args>
auto value(Args&&... args)
    return APIHelper::get(std::forward<Args>(args)...);

APIHelper is just a struct with a whole bunch of static functions, all named get and each function is responsible for some kind of input that can be passed to value. The get function creates some object and returns it. In this sense, the value function can be used to create an object in arbitrary ways. In my case, I wanted one of those cases to be through a multidimensional array. As mentioned, however, the following calls can’t be used as the template arguments can’t be deduced.

//calling value with one-dimensional array
value({1,3,4,5}); // cant't be deduced

//calling value with two-dimensional array
       {1,3,4,5}}); // cant't be deduced

As far as I understand, this is because of some weird specification of the C++11 standard. § says:

A function parameter for which the associated argument is an initializer list (8.5.4) but the parameter does not have std::initializer_list or reference to possibly cv-qualified std::initializer_list type. [Example:

template void g(T);
g({1,2,3}); // error: no argument deduced for T

— end example ]

This essentially boils down to the fact that we just can’t call a function as value({...}) and expect reasonable type deduction.

A possible workaround for my problem is to define an overload of value that can accept a one-dimensional array. This can be done like:

template<typename T, size_t N>
auto value(const (&values)[N])
    return API::get(std::forward<Args>(values)...);

This definition even deduces the size of the passed array. This is great and all but it doesn’t work with two-dimensional arrays.

value({1,3,4,5}); // deduces OK
       {1,3,4,5}}); // cant't be deduced

For two-dimensional arrays, we have to define another function. And another one for a three-dimensional array. And then another one and so forth.


I researched the whole topic of multidimensional array dimensions deduction for a good couple of hours but I couldn’t find anything. My conclusion, for now, is that this cannot currently be done, even with C++17. For this reason, I had to come up with something on my own.

My solutions is the following. In the APIHelper struct I have a function defined as:

struct APIHelper
template<typename T, size_t...N>
inline static auto get(const T* values)
    constexpr size_t SIZE = (N * ... );
    for (size_t i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) {
        values[i]; // doing something with values
    return 0;

This function should handle all object constructions involving an array. The template pack N should contain the dimensions, T is the type of the array and values is a pointer to the first element of the array. SIZE is constant that tells us how many elements there are in the array. If everything is used correctly, values[SIZE-1] should be safe to access.

We now have to look at the value function. It should be able to handle all sorts of multidimensional arrays and forward everything to the APIHelper::get in the right format. The function should have some the general form of:

template<typename T, size_t N>
inline static auto value(const T(&values)[N])
    const T* s = reinterpret_cast<const T*>(&values);
    return API::get<T, N>(s);

This works just fine for one-dimensional arrays. For higher dimensions, we have to define more functions. Defining lots of things per hand is tedious. Thankfully, C++ provides as with mechanism for saving typing – the C preprocessor. Using macros is generally considers a bad programming practice but in some situations, I say it is justified. This seems like one of those.

I spend around 15 minutes on Compiler Explorer (you can test only macro expansions with the -E flag for GCC) and I came up a this set of definitions.

#define SIZE_T_S_0 size_t N
#define SIZE_T_S_1 SIZE_T_S_0 , size_t M
#define SIZE_T_S_2 SIZE_T_S_1 , size_t L
#define SIZE_T_S_3 SIZE_T_S_2 , size_t K
#define SIZE_T_S_4 SIZE_T_S_3 , size_t J
#define SIZE_T_S_5 SIZE_T_S_4 , size_t I
#define SIZE_T_S_6 SIZE_T_S_5 , size_t H
#define SIZE_T_S_7 SIZE_T_S_6 , size_t F

#define BRACKETS_S_0 [N]

#define LETTERS_S_0 N
#define LETTERS_S_1 LETTERS_S_0, M
#define LETTERS_S_2 LETTERS_S_1, L
#define LETTERS_S_3 LETTERS_S_2, K
#define LETTERS_S_4 LETTERS_S_3, J
#define LETTERS_S_5 LETTERS_S_4, I
#define LETTERS_S_6 LETTERS_S_4, H
#define LETTERS_S_7 LETTERS_S_5, F

#define VALUE_FUN(dim) template<typename T, SIZE_T_S_##dim>        \
    inline static auto value(const T(&values) BRACKETS_S_##dim)     \
    {                                                               \
        const T* s = reinterpret_cast<const T*>(&values);       \
        return API::get<T, LETTERS_S_##dim>(s);                 \

The macro can then be used several times to generate the functions for arrays of different dimensionality.

VALUE_FUN(0) // one-dim array
VALUE_FUN(1) // two-dim array
VALUE_FUN(2) // three-dim array
VALUE_FUN(3) // four-dim array
VALUE_FUN(4) // five-dim array
VALUE_FUN(5) // six-dim array
VALUE_FUN(6) // seven-dim array
VALUE_FUN(7) // eight-dim array

There. Now we can handle up to 8-dimensional arrays. This should be enough for know. If more dimensions are need, we just have to add more definitions of SIZE_T_S_*, BRACKETS_S_* and LETTERS_S_*